Jason R Hardman DotOrg

Welcome to Jason Hardman DotOrg. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some minecraft or a nice movie on Plex. Learn some wisdom, or just some Linux. It's up to you. But whatever you do, have fun.

Contact Info

Pick a Card, Any Card...

For those visiting from the inter-webs, the following links should work just fine:


Useful things rife for the taking...

Learn Linux

Indexed pdf of LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification 3rd ed. study guide.

Plex Media

Log into Plex and watch a movie or video - listen to music or a talk.

My Info Page

My portfolio website... careful, it's a bit dated and under constuction

Members Only

User name and password required.

Oh Be Wise

Let no man despise thy youth!

My Music

🎹 Anyone can record 🎸


My Videos

Oh crap, the camera's rollin'

Contact Me

Reach out if you have any questions, issues with Plex, or would like me to start a minecraft server for you.

email phone